Monday 11 February 2019

postgres tutorial 10 procedure declare variable, constant, raise message

 postgreSQL evaluates the default values and set them for the variables when declared

DO $$ 
   counter    INTEGER := 1;
   first_name CONSTANT  VARCHAR(50) := 'John';
   last_name CONSTANT   VARCHAR(50) := 'Doe';
   payment    NUMERIC(11,2) := 20.5;
   created_at time := NOW();
   RAISE NOTICE '% % % has been paid % USD @ %', counter, first_name, last_name, payment, created_at;
   PERFORM pg_sleep(1);
   counter := counter + 1;
   payment := 25;
   RAISE NOTICE '% correction % % has been paid % USD @ %', counter,  first_name, last_name, payment, created_at;
END $$;

NOTICE:  1 John Doe has been paid 20.50 USD @ 21:39:00.540055
NOTICE:  2 correction John Doe has been paid 25.00 USD @ 21:39:00.540055

Query returned successfully in 1 secs 24 msec.

define a variable named city_name with the same data type as name the name column of the city table

city_name := 'San Francisco';

define an alias for any variable as follows:

new_name ALIAS FOR old_name;

RAISE statement

DO $$
  RAISE INFO 'information message %', now() ;
  RAISE LOG 'log message %', now();
  RAISE DEBUG 'debug message %', now();
  RAISE WARNING 'warning message %', now();
  RAISE NOTICE 'notice message %', now();
END $$;

DO $$
 email varchar(255) := '';
  -- check email for duplicate
  -- ...
  -- report duplicate email
  RAISE EXCEPTION 'Duplicate email: %', email
 USING HINT = 'Check the email again';
END $$;

If the condition evaluates to TRUE, ASSERT statement does nothing. If the condition evaluates to FALSE or NULL, the ASSERT_FAILURE is raised.

DO $$
 counter integer := -1;
   ASSERT counter = 0
   MESSAGE 'Expect counter starts with 0';
END $$;

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